CREMER Thermoprozessanlagen
Watches. Mobile phones. Complex components for automobiles. All of this is unthinkable without metal components capable of meeting the ever more demanding technical requirements. For proper operation, these components must undergo thermal treatment in complex processes. This is our specialty! We at CREMER Thermoprozesstechnik have been developing and manufacturing the necessary equipment for more than five decades.
Welcome to CREMER. The Thermoprocess-People.
Whether for the field of iron powder metallurgy (e.g. CBS), MIM (e.g. the newest development MIM-Master Neo or state of the art MIM-Master for either MIM or CIM), additive manufacturing with metal powders (SINTERFOX), refractory metal powder (e.g. for fuel elements), ceramics (for either oxide ceramics or non-oxide ceramics) or other special applications, CREMER Thermoprozessanlagen has been successfully designing, constructing and delivering the thermal process plants needed for specific thermal process applications in close co-operation with our clients for more than 50 years. Our product range includes many different furnace types as well as auxiliary equipment (e.g. gas generators: ammonia dissociators, endogas generators). We offer solutions for a wide range of processes and process temperatures.
News and Current Events
- The CREMER-Team wishes you a happy New Year 2025!
- Seminars, Congresses, Fairs – 2024
- MIM Master Neo – The NEXT Generation thermal plant technology for MIM applications
- Specialised services for high pressure equipment (e.g. for HIP/CIP)