Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)

For our clients we offer the possibility of “a thermal process plant virtual tour”. This tool makes it possible for clients to virtually view their completed thermal process plant in order to, for example, facilitate the factory acceptance test procedure.

Screenshot: Virtual Tour of a laboratory modular thermal process plant for high performance strip stock materials built by CREMER in co-operation with a client.

The screenshot above shows an example of such a virtual tour. If you, as one of our clients, would like to make use of this service, generally obtain more information on it or would like to view the example above as a “virtual tour” then please do not hesitate to contact us.


The CREMER Principle






Our customers comments:

… the care and attention expressed in the craftsmanship of our new furnace gives me the impression we are taking ownership of a modern piece of manufactured “artwork” more so than one highly engineered UHT furnace!